Magic Mailbox


Welcome! We’d like to let you know about the Magic Mailbox PTA creative writing program at REES! This program offers a special opportunity for students to be recognized for their writing. We are excited to present details for this program as we ask for your help in making this a successful, fun and rewarding program!


How does Magic Mailbox work its magic?

Families submit the students' writing (and optional illustration) via email to us. Each month, one submission is recognized in the Student Spotlight and is published in the  Magic Mailbox section of the REES PTA website. All submissions will be printed in an upcoming digital literary newsletter.


Who can participate?

Any REES student in any grade may submit writings.


What should my child write about? 

Students can write about anything or standby for suggested themes posted here.


What is the submission process?

Families may email a Microsoft Word file of your child’s writing (and a scanned JPEG file of an optional illustration) to


Please remember to include the following important details in the body of your submission email:

  1. Student’s first and last name
  2. Grade level and teacher’s name
  3. Title of the writing
  4. 2-3 sentences about the student and why they chose to write about this topic


Is writer's block making it hard to get started?

Start here



Thank you for your support!

REES PTA Magic Mailbox Committee Chair

Amanda McGann